Quantifying the Non-Market Benefits of Coastal Adaptation and Natural Infrastructure : Implications for Benefit-Cost Analysis

Are you interested to learn more about benefits occurring from different approaches used for coastal adaptation? 

Join us on Wednesday, November 6th from 2:00-3:00 p.m. AST to learn more about key trade-offs and economic values associated with different approaches to coastal adaptation, and what it means for adaptation that will be most beneficial to the public.

About the Presenter

Robert J. Johnston is Director of the George Perkins Marsh Institute and Professor of Economics at Clark University. He is also editor of the journal Resource and Energy Economics. Professor Johnston is an environmental economist whose research addresses economic valuation, benefit transfer and ecosystem services, with an emphasis on aquatic and coastal systems. He has also conducted significant work in climate change adaptation. He is currently co-chair of the Ecosystem Science and Management Working Group of the NOAA Science Advisory Board, and on the Steering Committee and Science Advisory Board of the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, and the Senior Advisory Board of the Connecticut Sea Grant Program. He is a past member of the US EPA Science Advisory Board, and has served on multiple US National Research Council Panels. His publications include multiple books and approximately 100 journal articles on the use of economics to inform environmental management.

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