Want to learn more about natural asset management, storm water services provided by natural assets and the financial implications associated with it?
Join us for a webinar on Gibson’s Journey into Natural Asset Management: Financial Implications with Michelle Molnar on Wednesday, August 14th from 2:00-3:00 p.m. AST
About the Webinar
The webinar will focus on the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative (MNAI) and their work in the Town of Gibson, British Columbia. The Town of Gibson is North America’s first community which experimented with integrating natural assets into asset management and financial planning. Municipal natural asset management is in its infancy in the Town and initial efforts to document the overall impacts, benefits, and lessons of municipal natural asset management are ongoing. As part of this effort, this webinar focuses on a subset of issues related to financial planning and reporting.
About the Presenter
Michelle is the Technical Director of the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative, as well as an Environmental Economist and Policy Analyst at the David Suzuki Foundation. She is the author of several natural capital valuations and sits on the B.C. government’s Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council. Michelle is an experienced project manager and practitioner of natural asset measurement and management.
To register, please email Surabhi Sheth at surabhi.sheth@nben.ca before Wednesday, August 7th.