Krista Webb-Scheers

Name: Krista Webb-Scheers

Professional Experience: 

Current: Meduxnekeag Consolidated School

Education: CNAC Forest and Nature School Practitioner, M.A in Counselling Psychology, B.Ed. & B.A.

I have been working in the public school system for almost 2 decades and have been using outdoor learning pedagogy with my elementary school students for the past two years.

Kwe’! Teluisi Krista. Tleyawi Woodstock, NB. Wetpekksi Ktaqmkuk. Hi! My name is Krista. I am from Woodstock, New Bruswick.
My family roots are from Newfoundland. I am a First Nations educator in the public school system. I have a passion for forest education and teaching on and from the land each day.

Special interests: I am very passionate about Indigenous teachings and knowledge. I feel that it is extremely important for those learning on the land to acknowledge whose land it is that they are spending time learning on and to connect with the local First Nation communities, as a way to build lasting relationships with the community members and elders.