Climate Change Educators Community Hub

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Teaching Imagination in Place: Spring TIPS 2024

March 5 - April 29, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm


Learn more and register here! Early bird open until February 18th.

The IEE (Imaginative Ecological Education) learning series continues! Last year, we offered the first Spring TIPs program—Teaching Imagination in Place.

Spring TIPS 2023 was an introduction to cognitive tools like metaphor, vivid imagery, rhythms, patterns and so on, that form the heart of IEE and that are so central to A Walking Curriculum practice.

Your feedback on Spring TIPS 2023 has helped to shape this year’s learning opportunity. First, you overwhelmingly felt that the focus on cognitive tools helped you get a better sense of this key dimension of IEE. Your feedback also revealed an interest in slowing down and revisiting some of those resources. Imagine that!

Educators slowing down for their own learning!?  Many of you said you did not have an opportunity to fully engage in the self-study questions—these were you-focused topics of investigation that employed cognitive tools to examine your own beliefs about outdoor learning, imagination, and Place.

So, Spring TIPS 2024 offers you an opportunity to imaginatively engage in that cognitive-tool and Place-focused self-study with ongoing support. Rather than just learning about how to use IEE with your students, you will employ IEE Principles of Feeling, Activeness and Place/Sense of Place to your own learning.

Of course, you will ALSO learn more about how to use cognitive tools in your teaching for your students as you connect in a weekly dialogical sessions with members of the IEE instructional team and other educators interested in imaginative ecological teaching practices.