Crystal Roberts

Name: Crystal Roberts

Professional Experience: 

Current: Anglophone West School District Experiential Learning Coordinator

Education: Canadian Wildlife Federation Project WILD facilitator, Project WET Facilitator, Master’s of Education in Outdoor Education (currently pursuing)

I grew up in rural Manitoba and moved to rural New Brunswick in 2019. I have always loved the outdoors, and my two children and I spend a large portion of our time in the woods behind our home. I began my teaching career feeling very alone in going outdoors, and since becoming the experiential learning coordinator for the district, I have been able to meet and support teachers who are just as passionate about the outdoors as I am. Seeing the challenges in the education system in terms of outdoor learning, I decided to pursue my Master’s in admin and policy with a focus on Outdoor Education to support the learning and paradigm shift that needs to happen for OE to become more widely available to all teachers.

Special interests: I am passionate about land and place-based learning, and about helping to empower teachers in integrating their curriculum into outdoor learning in gardens, forests, and green spaces.

Social Media:

Twitter – @CrystalRoberts_