Chantal Daley

Name: Chantal Daley

Professional Experience: 

Current: Teaching at Janeville Elementry School

Previous: I have been teaching for 32 years and this is my 4th year using an outdoor learning pedagogy.

Education: Bachelor of Education (UNB 4-year program), Diploma for Advanced Undergraduate Studies in Guidance (UNB), Certificate 6 through the University of Phoenix. I have been taking part in many webinars through various organizations to learn all about outdoor teaching pedagogies and have attended the Take Me Outside National Outdoor Learning Conference in Banff, Alberta.

I was born in Montreal but have lived in Bathurst, NB since I was four years old. When I was young, I loved the outdoors. With my neighborhood friends, we were always playing outside. As an adult, I wouldn’t consider myself a big outdoorsy person. You won’t find me sleeping in a tent! Ha! Ha! and I hate bugs and mosquitos. But I have always loved to go walking in the woods, skiing, snowshoeing, or boating. I am not an expert on all things outdoors. I just love how being outside makes me feel. I have found a new passion in my teaching and that is bringing my students outside to learn. I guess that what I am trying to say is that you don’t need to be the outdoorsy type or an expert to bring your students outside, just start! I am pretty sure that you and your students are going to love it!

Special interests in the Natural Maker Continuum: I have been teaching a kindergarten and grade one split class and this is where my interests lie in regard to outdoor learning. We spend almost every afternoon outside doing various activities in all subject areas (math, literacy, phys. ed, risky play, science, social studies, and art).

Follow along our classroom adventures on instagram @janevilleprimary