CPAWS, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, is pleased to offer the “Watch Your Paws” program for students and youth groups in Grades 3-6. Watch Your Paws is a free experiential introduction to natural habitats and protected areas in New Brunswick. The program teaches students about local biodiversity, wildlife and habitats, as well as environmental ethics, and how they can be stewards for nature.
The program can be run in person at your school, where your students will experience hands on nature-based activities, or we can visit your group virtually, with an interactive and engaging online presentation. Watch Your Paws was created with curriculum outcomes for each grade level included in the content of each session.
CPAWS is the only national non-profit organization devoted exclusively to protecting Canada’s wilderness heritage on public lands and waters.
CPAWS’ New Brunswick Chapter is dedicated to the protection of New Brunswick’s wilderness and wildlife. Our goal is to work cooperatively to ensure the survival of our wilderness areas and the life they support. Our Conservation Educators create a high energy, interactive learning experience. They are excited to share their enthusiasm for New Brunswick’s nature with your students!
To book your free class presentation, email Danielle Hak ( or learn more about the program
on their website: